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General Questions

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We support equities, futures, options, forex, cfds, cryptos and cash transactions. We don't support some illiquid options on futures contracts. Futures and options support are limited to some markets such as North America and Europe. Here are some important observations.

  • Equities: Equities from all over the world are supported.
  • Options: we support options for any market where the multiplier is 100. For more information, visit our extended options trading journal guide
  • Forex: All pairs are supported. If you are adding your trades manually, don't add the quantity as units, instead use quantity of 1 for 100000 units.
  • Cfds: Only if you add them using your broker exported .csvs.
  • Cryptos: Only cryptos up to 8 decimals long are supported. Leveraged crypto contracts aren't supported, but all other spot and perpetual contracts are supported. We don't convert your crypto to a base currency. If you trade in multiple currencies, your results will be in multiple currencies.
  • Futures: We support futures contracts listed on main US exchanges as well as popular ones in Europe, India and Brazil. Reach out if you need to add contracts for a specific exchange.

What brokers and platforms do we support?

There are multiple ways to import your trades including manual entries, template csv, broker csv and auto sync via api.

We support auto-sync (api) from the following brokers (click on the broker for details):
We support file imports from the following brokers (click on the broker for details):

If you don't find your broker here, please send us a sample file without any edits in csv or excel format and we'll try to add it within a business day.

A trading journal helps traders and investors gain insights into their trading behavior, identify patterns, assess the effectiveness of different strategies, and make data-driven improvements to enhance their overall trading performance.

Our trading journal uses your trading data to analyze, measure and monitor your trading performance. With our system, you will be able to make better trading decisions by taking into account statistical evidence of what works.

Our service is used by traders, investors, trading schools, brokers and proprietary firms.

Trademetria is owned by Trademetria Inc, a Wyoming, USA corporation.

Unlike other "free" trading journals, we don't sell your trading data and never will. Our source of revenue comes strictly from subscription fees.

Nothing. Your data will continue there until you terminate your account.

Pre-sale Questions

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A trading journal can answer your most difficult trading questions by giving you statistical evidence of why you lose or make money.

What brokers do you support?

A growing list of 140+ brokers to choose from. View our full list. If your broker is not supported, let us know and we'll add it asap.

Once you open an account, you'll be able to try and test 100% of our features for up to 200 page views. Once you subscribe, no refunds will be given. View our full refund policy.

You can use your credit or debit card to subscribe via paypal or stripe, global leaders in payment processing.

We support equities, options, futures, forex, cfds and cryptos. We also offer quotes and charts for most global exchanges.

No, services are prepaid and can be cancelled at anytime by going to your billing page.

Unlike other "free" trading journals, we don't sell your trading data and never will. Our source of revenue comes strictly from subscription fees.

Nothing. Your data will continue there until you terminate your account.

Trademetria for Businesses

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A performance oriented approach that lets your traders analyze their trading performance and track every cent that goes in and out of their accounts. Learn more about Trademetria for managers.

Can you white label your product?

Yes, we can create your own version of Trademetria with your logo and a custom url. Our software is hosted at state of the art hosting facilities around the world.

Yes, we can track trading costs to the cent as long as you know these costs. You can also track deposits, withdrawals, dividends, splits, platform fees and any costs involved in your trading business.

No, services are prepaid and can be canceled at anytime.

It depends on several factors and implementations desired. Please contact us with the number of users you wish to start.

System related questions

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Once you open an account, go to our help page to find video tutorials and additional system help.

Where can I find video tutorials to get started?

Once you open an account, go to our help page to find video tutorials and account reviews. Here is a sample review video.