Tradestation Trading Journal


Last updated: 2021-02-16

If you are looking for a trading journal that is compatible with Tradestation, look no further! We are happy to announce that our trading journal now supports auto connection via the Tradestation API and files from Tradestation. To import your trades, visit the import page and follow the instructions below:

Best option: Auto sync your account using Tradestation's API.

Files can be in excel or csv format. Two options available:

First option

Log in to your tradestation client center account. Then, go to Client Center > Accounts > Equities Accounts > Tax Center. Then choose a date range and download CSV.

Second Option:

This method doesn't have the times of your trades, however some TS users don't have any other choice.

Log in to your tradestation client center account. Then, go to accounts tab at the top. Choose a date range. Choose exclude broken/canceled trades. Hit the "View / Download" button.

For futures traders, use our first Tradestation import option called "Tradestation via Platform" and use the instructions  below:

Alternative option: As of Feb, 16, 2021, TS is exporting some fills without a filled price, thus breaking the import. Be sure the filled price column is filled before importing. You might be able to use our alternative import options called "Tradestation via Client Center" or "Tradestation via Trade Manager".

To generate your import file, follow these instructions:

  • Open Trade Manager

  • Select the order window.

  • Go to Status, select "filled orders" and apply custom dates filter.

  • Edit, then Select All. If you don't see an edit option, expand the order window.

  • Copy and paste the contents into the data box. Make sure you copy the first blank column as well as the HEADER.

Alternatively, you could also import your trades by logging in to your client center portal. Click on trades and other transactions tab. Copy and paste your trades here.

If you have advanced options strategies, please use the other Tradestation methods that we offer.

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