New features added to Trademetria

We are pleased to announce new features to help you analyze, understand and improve your trading performance.
Here is a list of recent updates:
- Sort your trades by date, side, symbol, quantity, price, gross, net and tags.
- Additional columns added (financial volume, gross, average price, open position) and more to come.
- Choose what columns you want to see on your trades page. Add/remove columns for all your trades for each account.
- For traders with thousands of orders, you will notice an increased loading speed of your trades page.
- You can now see how many points you made per trade with and without quantity as well as average points per trade. This is especially useful for futures traders that need to know how many points they make without contract multipliers. It can also be useful for equities and options traders to find out how many cents they made total and on average.
- Multiple platforms and brokers added, notably Multichart, Sierrachart, Rithmic Trader, Pro Trader, Lightspeed, FX Blue and DAS Trader.
- You can now select which currency you would like to see your pnl and metrics. The default currency is USD.
- You can now easily expire options contracts from your portfolio page.
- Additional contracts added for US, Europe and Indian markets.
- Export your trades for tax purposes.
Plus, dozens of background changes to make our system, faster, safer and stable.
Our goal is to help you beat the markets. Miss anything? Please let us know.
Log in to your account now to view the new features.