Bitcoin Futures and Bitcoin Trading Journal on Trademetria


If you are looking for a crypto or bitcoin trading journal, look no further. You can now track your results for both CBOE and CME bitcoin futures contracts as well as some of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world.

Here is how these investments work:

For CBOE Bitcoin Futures Contracts:

Sample symbol: XBTZ17 (expires Dec 17)

Sample trade:

Buy 1 contract at a price of $16000

Sell 1 contract at a price of $16010

Profit: $10.

Minimum price fluctuation: $10. That is the minimum pnl per trade.

Exchange fee: $0.5 per contract.

For more details, visit the CBOE's contract specification page.

For CME Bitcoin Futures Contracts:

Sample symbol: BTCZ17 (scheduled to trade on Dec 18th.)

Sample trade:

Buy 1 contract at a price of $16000

Sell 1 contract at a price of $16025

Profit: $125 in profits.

Minimum price fluctuation is $25. That is the minimum pnl per trade.

Exchange fee is unknown at this point but will be updated asap.

Please note from CME's Web site:

Effective Sunday 17 December 2017 for trade date Monday 18 December 2017, and pending all relevant regulatory review periods, please be advised that CME will launch Bitcoin Futures.

For more information, visit the CME's Bitcoin Futures Specification's web page.

For Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Iota:

Sample symbol BTC/USD, BTCUSD, DASHBTC, IOTABTC are all valid symbols that you can use to track your cryptocurrency investments using Trademetria.

Here is a snapshot of a few sample investments:

Please note that Trademetria does not have real time quote conversion. Your pnl will always be displayed in the quote currency. If you trade BTCUSD, your pnl will be displayed in USD. If you trade BTCEUR, your pnl will be displayed in EUR. This may change in the near future.

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